Monday, April 11, 2011

Walk2work or work2walk!!! Uganda's political tension

Ulala, how disconnected from realities are governments in Africa. Now it turns out that walk2work is actually inciting violence and is unlawful assembly in Uganda. Yet for facts, in Uganda people first walk2work, walk2learn - due to under payment and later work2walk and learn2walk due to unemployment and underemployment..., if the government is not informed.

While it is innate and their right, to walk. Currently the act is only a necessarily evil, as most and their families have to decide to enjoy a ride to work or to learn on an empty stomach everyday passing by or the other way round. I personally, with no choice walked 20km to & fro Mon - Sat for 4 years while studying for high school in 1993 to 1996, yet my case is not peculiar at all, neither is it the extreme - esp with the current inflation into play and the increasing household expenditure on food.

President M7 read the yellow alerts rightly.

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